In this section, I sit in with my good friend Ronni Hunter, at Columbus’ 99-7 The Blitz! As it goes…they had just flipped the station back to The Blitz after a failed experiment as another Rock-flavor. They were looking for a new Morning Show, and I was asked to fly in and sit with Ronni to see if we had any chemistry. It wasn’t really my show. I was a guest of Ronni’s. We had a Producer, who did a great job. But, I’m used to running my own audio and pretty much controlling the show. In hindsight, I think I blew it. I should’ve done this differently. Ultimately, we didn’t get the gig. Which sucks for me. I really wanted this one. Ronni’s a great friend, and the owners of the station are great people. They deserve a winner, and I wanted to help deliver one to them. So…here’s the audio. Warts and all. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. This was a crushing loss for me.
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May 12, 2010 Category: Columbus - WRKZ - 99-7 The Blitz!
WRKZ – Columbus: Monday 5/3/10 The First Day!
May 12, 2010 Category: Columbus - WRKZ - 99-7 The Blitz!
Well…Here it is. The horrifying debut of our failed attempt to secure the Morning Show on Columbus’ 99-7 The Blitz.
We should’ve known it wasn’t going to work by the way it started. We had a system crash right out of the gate. I stepped in and attempted to take control of the show. Which was not really what management wanted. They intended for me to be a “guest” on Ronni’s show. We had our own Producer who ran all the sound. We did make the best of it. I introduced some new stuff that Ronni had never tried. A feature called “Mouth Hug Etiquette,” where Ronni gave advice. Traditionally, she was the “Cool Rock Chick.” She’d never really say certain things. So…we played a bit and tried some new ideas. And it was at once a blast, and a trainwreck. I did get a chance to tell all of Columbus that she has a tail. No joke! Ronni has that nub-tail-bone. And I outed her on the air. We also got a visit on the phone by our good friend Jesse James DuPree. And powered our way through it. I thought a nice beginning all things considered. Unfortunately, we never clicked the way management wanted. I consider this a missed opportunity in my career. We may have been able to build something very special. Maybe another day…Here’s the ugly proof.
Read MoreWRKZ – Columbus: Tuesday 5/4/10
May 12, 2010 Category: Columbus - WRKZ - 99-7 The Blitz!
On day two of our attempt to secure the Morning Show on The Blitz, we spoke with Theory Of A Deadman’s Tyler Connelly, and a guy named Jim Maroney (who’s a UFO expert). We screwed with him quite a bit. We continued our weekly series in “Mouth Hug Etiquette” with Ronni Hunter. And we got into a bit of Ronni’s non-existent social life. She had a “moment” at a local supermarket when her eyes met with “the meat guy.” And we also found out….guys appear to be better educated with regard to women’s squishy parts than women. At least in Ronni’s case. Here was….Day II.
Read MoreWRKZ – Columbus: Cinco De Mayo 2010
May 12, 2010 Category: Columbus - WRKZ - 99-7 The Blitz!
The “On-Air audition” continues…
I was “guesting” with my friend Ronni Hunter. It was her show, but I was sitting in in an effort to try to snag the Morning Show on her station. So, here we are on Cinco…In addition to week-long lessons in “Mouth Hug Etiquette,” I added a feature called “Timeout For Spanish” for the day. Basically, you get a Spanish phrase. And the English translation is always something offensive. We also had Joel O’Keefe from Airbourne to join us via the phone. Also my friend Lzzy Hale, the ultra-talented singer/guitarist from Halestorm called in. We spoke with Sharon Rivkin; a relationship expert who advocates (kinda) an affair to save your marriage. Plus, “family time with Thick Rick.” A VERY busy show. Hope you enjoy!
Read MoreWRKZ – Columbus: Thursday 5/6/10
May 10, 2010 Category: Columbus - WRKZ - 99-7 The Blitz!
Here’s even more of what it sounded like when I sat in with one of my favorite people on the planet; Ronni Hunter @ Columbus’ 99-7 The Blitz!
It was day 4 of our “On Air Audition” to replace their current morning show. The station does a contest called “Sing ’til You Suck” on Thursdays for tickets to their big “Rock On The Range” Festival. So, we played that a couple of times. With tons of sound effects added by producer “Thick Rick.” Plus, we spoke with Adam D from Killswitch Engage & Rick DeJesus from Adelita’s Way (who invited us to his bachelor party in Columbus in two weeks) Which would’ve been nice….had I got the job. The interviews got cut off because Thick had shut off a mic that controlled the recording. So, we only got a bit of each. Also, I had to break up a fight on Cinco De Mayo the night before. And as every guy knows…you never leave a man behind. “Thick” learned a valuable lesson as we had our first on-air fight. And….nothing sexier than getting Ronni to pick her nose in the studio. Yes, I am that immature.
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