April Fools’ Feaux De’ Gras Parade

Category: New Orleans - WCKW - Rock 92.3!

This entire show was faked. New Orleans is notorious for throwing parties for anything. The Mardi Gras parades are considered tradition. So, we decided to throw a parade for April Fools day. Our midday guy John Marty and I chose this little town called Lyons, Louisiana. Which is pretty much a blinking, yellow light. We weren’t even there. We set up in the back parking lot of the station, and sat in director’s chairs for 4 hours. Our production guy Bart Melton did an amazing job with putting together audio. We had no idea what he was using, or how it would go. Bart told us to cue certain events. John, and I adlibbed 100% of this show. We made up everything. Throughout the day, the station switchboard was slammed with people calling, looking for directions.