KSLX: Phoenix – Ted Nugent…Unedited!

Category: Phoenix - KSLX - Classic Rock 100-7

So…when you agree to have Ted Nugent on your radio show, there are certain things you have to expect:

  1. He *will* bash the President
  2. He’s going to swear
  3. You’re barely going to be allowed to speak
  4. He will love himself more than any man, woman, or animal life in the known history of mankind has ever loved itself
  5. It will be fun to listen to

Ted…is as entertaining as they get. He’s a wordsmith, and a storyteller, and highly entertaining. He’s probably the most polarizing guest I’ve ever had. Half the audience worships him. The other…listens to loathe.

I promised Ted (& his wonderful wife, Shemane), that I’d present him honestly. I love the fact that he speaks his mind…even if I may not agree with him on everything. Long story-short…he’s good radio.

And so, I present to you, the unedited hour that I spent with Ted Nugent. Hope you enjoy!